
Interview Questions

From kemiko

  • “Which Muppet do you most closely identify with?”
  • “So, I’m going to give you three minutes to ask me anything you want to ask, then you get 60-seconds to tell me what you’ve learned.”
  • “If you woke up and had 2,000 unread emails and could only answer 300 of them, how would you choose which ones to answer?”
  • “If you were to get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why?”
  • “If you could own one website...which would it be?”
  • “If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?”
  • “Sell me this pen.”
  • “Tell me about some compliments you have received at work.”
  • “If you were going to be stranded in the woods. What one item would you take from this room and why?”
  • “What does your surname mean?”
  • “If you could be any animal on a carousel, what would you be, and why?”
  • “Why are manhole covers round?”
  • “What is the brightest crayon in the box?”
  • “What is the sharpest tool in the shed?”
  • “If you could run one company...which would it be?”
  • “If you find a pair of jeans you like do you go buy more or wait until they wear out to find a new pair?”
  • “If you were given $2,000, how would you double it in 24 hours?”
  • “If I gave you $40,000 to start a business, what would you start?”
  • “If you’re the CEO, what are the first three things you check about the business when you wake up?”
  • “What is your favorite drink?”
  • “If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?”
  • “How would you explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew?”
  • “Where would you travel in a time machine?”
  • “When have you been most satisfied in your life?”
  • “Tell me about a recent project or problem that you made better, faster, smarter, more efficient, or less expensive.”
  • “Can you instruct someone how to make an origami 'cootie catcher' with just words?”
  • “If you were 80 years old, what would you tell your children?”
  • “How does the internet work?”
  • “What do you think about when you are alone in your car?”
  • “How do you make a tuna sandwich?”
  • “My wife and I are going on vacation, where would you recommend?”
  • “Calculate the angle between the hour and minute hands when the time is 11:50.”
  • “What kitchen utensil would you be?”
  • “If you could be anyone else, who would it be?”